~About~ This is original 3D-robot-model, "Agastya Mk.2". △52,549 polygons (weapon included) Modeler : @kanuchibe ~Operation environment~ Oculus quest mode:non-supported Desktop mode : supported VR-mode : supported ~Contents~ texture(.psd) data unitypackage (Unity2018.4.20f)....including prefab, FBX, texture, shader(arktoon).
1. It is regarded that you accepted to apply this user policy if you use this 3D model at any process. 2. If you use this model at any service (VRChat, for example), be sure to observe rules in there. Use for commercial activity : Accepted Modifying avatar : Accepted Redistribution (including modified avatar) : PROHIBITED Professing modeler of this model : PROHIBITED Use for political and religious expression : PROHIBITED