### Please read these terms and conditions before purchasing or downloading###. This is a set of old and new urinals. It is a must-have for men's toilets. Features. This is a set of older so-called "morning glory" type toilets and a relatively newer set of sensor operated toilets. The age range that can be covered by these two is relatively wide. The old model (U-001) Good old-fashioned shape. Good shape. New model(U-002) Newer shape. The sensor part glows red when you get close to it. How to use it. 1. prepare the place where you want to install the world and toilet. Import [old model U-001]2.package and install the prehab(U-001.prehab). The proper height is 53cm from the floor to the protrusion at the end of the toilet. Import the [new U-002]2.package and install the prefab(U-002.prepab). You can still put it on the wall, but choose to put it on the floor or float it a few centimeters off the floor. For ease of cleaning, most of the newer buildings have raised it from the floor. 3. completion! Let's go to the bathroom in this virtual space. Contents/Other Information When you unzip the zip file, you'll find unitypackage. The [old] standard shaders are used to set the material with different values by default. Please change the colors and shaders as needed. New] In order to illuminate the sensor, only the difference texture (U-002_on) is included in the sensor part. If you want to change the color of the sensor, please edit U-002_off (and the white part of U-002_on if you want to change the color of the water discharge part as well) with image editing software. Specifications Number of triangular faces U-002(Sensor integrated urinal) △6284 U-001(Small urinal) △4898
VN3 license [English] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ux42AJPBTfCm7V8fvdgb1-TV0tT_rs3L/view?usp=sharing ###For those who wish to integrate into the sales (distribution) world Please join the "ebtfworks for Developers" program. After registration, you will be able to use our products free of charge. https://twitter.com/ebtf_/status/1422471673169682433