banana pancake model for VRC.
## Terms of Use for VRChat Banana Pancake Model These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the VRChat Banana Pancake Model (hereinafter referred to as "the Model") distributed by kame404 (hereinafter referred to as "the Author"). Please read these Terms carefully before using the Model. **1. Model Overview** * **Price:** Free * **Shader:** lilToon ( * Please make sure to import lilToon into Unity before using the Model. Installation from VCC is recommended. **2. License Grant** The Author grants users the following rights to use the Model: * To use the Model for any purpose, whether personal or commercial. * To modify the Model. * To redistribute the Model. **3. Disclaimer** * The Author shall not be liable for any damages (direct damages, indirect damages, consequential damages, lost profits, etc.) arising from the use or inability to use the Model. * The use of the Model is at the user's own risk. * The Author makes no warranty of any kind regarding the quality, performance, compatibility, etc. of the Model. * The Author does not warrant that the use of the Model will not infringe the rights of any third party. **4. Copyright** The copyright of the Model is owned by kame404. **5. Redistribution** When redistributing the Model, please comply with the following conditions: * Include these Terms of Use. * Do not remove the copyright notice, regardless of whether the Model has been modified or not. * The Author shall not be liable for any problems arising from the redistribution. --- **Effective Date:** December 4, 2024 **Author:** kame404