Scaled Area This prefab defines an area where users will automatically be scaled to a specific height, and going out of the area will restore the height back to what it was. For example, you can have people be automatically scaled to be tiny while in the area. Requirements You need the latest VRCSDK ( for worlds installed. It's recommended to use the VRChat Creator Companion to setup a project with the correct VRCSDK. How to use 1. Download the latest package and import into the project 2. Drag and drop the ScaledAreaPrefab into the scene. 3. On the instance of the prefab, on the BoxCollider component, adjust the size and center to cover the desired area. 4. On the instance of the prefab, on the ScaledArea script component, change the `Desired Scale` to the height the users in the area should be scaled to. You can also also customize the walk, run, jump settings while in the area. 5. That's it! Notes If you are using this in a Vket booth, make sure to move the `Scripts` folder into the submission folder. Also available on Github: Version history v1.0.0 : Initial release v1.0.1 : Fixed sometimes not working with multiple users v1.0.2 : Added customization of walk speed, run speed, jump impulse v1.0.3 : Added instructions for Japanese