Costume only sold. FullPack Re_Mi_4_tops.vroidcustomitem Re_Mi_4_bottoms.vroidcustomitem Re_Mi_4_inner.vroidcustomitem Re_Mi_4_shoes.vroidcustomitem ReadMe.txt(Terms and conditions and link to sales page) Re_Mi_4_Custom_inner.vroidcustomitem inner suit Re_Mi_4_Custom_inner.vroidcustomitem Re_Mi_4_shoes.vroidcustomitem ReadMe.txt(Terms and conditions and link to sales page) FullPack consists of tops, bottoms, upper body inner suit and shoes. Inner suit consists of upper body innerwear and shoes. Re_Mi_4_Custom_inner.vroidcustomitem is a vroidcustomitem reconstructed to be worn with upper body innerwear alone and is different from Re_Mi_4_inner.vroidcustomitem. The default setting of the vroidcustomitem will make the costume sway a lot because it uses a one-piece dress. Please select "Look" and "Sway" from VRoidStudio and set the swaying width of the costume to 20 or less. The breast parameters of the model are all set to 0. If the chest size is below -0.29, the chest circumference of the costume will be penetrated. ・When wearing the upper body inner vroidcustomitem, male body avatars can wear the costume without any discomfort. Unisex. The underwear texture of the lower body innerwear is not displayed because it has a lower display priority than the underwear texture of the upper body innerwear. We recommend that you remove the legwear before wearing the outfit, just to be safe. The color can be changed by adding a texture with overlay mode and layering appropriate colors on top. You can also use solid coloring. Modification and commercial use are allowed. Please refer to for detailed terms and conditions. Copyrights are not relinquished and belong to "REIRO. We are not responsible for any trouble or loss caused by the use of this work. These terms and conditions are subject to change, and the latest version will apply in the event of any changes. The contents of the product may be subject to change without notice, including deletion or replacement of data, price revisions, etc.