3D models of a Chinese-style desks. The ChineseDeskGold.fbx with gold ornaments and the Two types, ChineseDeskGold with gold ornaments and ChineseDeskWood with wood grain, are included in .fbx and .glb formats, respectively. ・As an ornament in your VRSNS world ・.glb for Vket Booth Maker included ・As a gimmick for your avatar ・As an item for your 3D game ・As backgrounds for your manga works ChineseDeskWood.fbx contains normals (unevenness information) that represent the unevenness of the wood grain. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【File information】 ・CineseDeskGold.fbx + .png texture ・CineseDeskGold.glb(For Vket Booth Maker, 354kB, low resolution) ・CineseDeskWood.fbx + .png texture + .png normal map ・CineseDeskWood.glb(For Vket Booth Maker, 677kB, low resolution) CineseDeskGold: △4208 CineseDeskWood: △2016
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