Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Original 3D animal avatar "Raika" for VRchat

    Published from : 2023/11/03 21:35:45

    Product Details

    This is an original 3D animal avatar "Raika" for VRchat. She is a tiger sister in a Chinese dress. The dress is made of three parts and fastens with a buckle instead of a string so that it is easy to put on even for a behemoth hand. The size of the breasts can be changed, and the tail can be moved with the analog stick. Full tracking support. Eye tracking supported. In addition to psd data, spp data is also available, so if you have SubstancePainter, please use that as well.

    Terms of Use

    The VN3 license generator is used to generate the terms and conditions. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DG4b-szielV8Wr9AN-n0m2Jy_PG6IAXA?usp=sharing