Contents Dreamy rifle (texture packed .blend file/FBX/FBM) Please note that the UV scrolling animation of the gun barrel is only for VRM format of the blend file. Please reflect the texture in the FBM file, as the .blend file may have been unpacked.
Terms of Use ○ Commercial use→OK ○ Modification→OK Use on social communication platforms→OK Use in works with R-18 (sexual expression) →OK (please separate the use from the use of other works) ×Redistribution of textures, 3D data, and modified data → NG ×x Distribution of models wearing these textures (including altered data) → NG ×x Religious or political use→NG Copyrights are not waived. Please do not make your own remarks. We are not responsible for any trouble or damage caused by the use of our textures and 3D models. We reserve the right to change the contents and terms of use of our products without notice. Reporting and crediting for personal use is optional. If you would like to report us, please tweet us with this tag gently! We will introduce you with RT and quote RT! Tag #ZEPTO002 Twitter @TwoZepto