a Magic circle: UV scroll type; 1mesh / 1material / 0 animation; 1 SetPassCalls (due to placing on my vket booth) ## Contents * MagicCircle.prefab - has 6 blades, 3 circle, 1 sub circle. - in-progress notes: "to use diagonal of booth to be as large as can" "UV scroll" "magic CIRCLE" * Circle.prefab - circle shape, helix floor - in-progress notes: "first floor, squama, flagstones" ## Requirements * lilToon (Any shader with UV scrolling can be used.) If UV scrolling is not working, run `Assets/lilToon/[Shader] Refresh shaders` on menu. ## Original files of assets * magic-circle_2022S.blend: configuring uv scrolling with shader node using `#frame` * MagicCircle.png.kra: misc. Original file of texture; I'm Krita user. * MagicCircle.png.psd: psd version↑ a bit broken ## Special Thanks * the Summer * Mr. Koom * Mokuri font * RuneAMN Runic font ## License CC0 Everyone can create their own magic circle by modifying this as they like and referring to the mechanism.