Includes pre-setup unity package for VRchat Original 3D model Hatsuki Produced by Design cake Model Creation Utsubo Software used Blender 2.93.6 Unity 2019.4.31.f1 VRCSDK Version VRCSDK3-AVATAR-2022. Shaders used unlitWF VRMshader Version 2022.04.30 VER1.00 We have included unlitWF in the package. When you import the first time, you will see a window to update the unlitWF material. Please select the material you want. There is no problem with the settings. VRM cannot be displayed properly without shaders and scripts installed. Please DL and import the UniVRM unity package. When you upload your quest to quest, you need to hide the avatar on the PC side to be able to press the build button. 2022-05-01 Partial mesh correction Ver. 1.01 Translated with (free version)
License license VN3 license is provided. Please refer to the following link for the text of the terms and conditions. Japanese English