◆About◆ - This smartwatch is designed to help you enjoy reading with others around you. - It is intended to be placed in the VRChat world. - Hold it in your hand and click to roll up the pages of a book. - You can use the zoom function to enjoy the book with others around you. - You can specify not only images but also 3D models for the pages. - The number of pages can be freely changed. - VRCSDK3 and UdonSharp are required. ◆Sample◆ The following works are included as samples. - https://www.store.vket.com/ec/items/3437/detail/ - https://micchan.booth.pm/items/3316149 - https://mettayr.booth.pm/items/3317408 - https://www.store.vket.com/ec/items/5915/detail/ ◆How to use◆ 1. Import the UdonSharp assets file into your Unity project for VRChat. 2. Decompress the downloaded ZIP file. 3. Import the .unitypackage file into your Unity project. 4. Import the Prefab "YonnnanaGraveWatchMoon" in "Assets/lospair" into your scene. ◆Validated versions◆ - Unity 2019.4.31f1 - VRCSDK3-WORLD-2021. - UdonSharp_v0.20.3.unitypackage
UVL - Individual terms 1. Permission of personal commercial use 2. Permission of corporate use 3. Permission of expressions for adults (sexual expressions) 4. Permission of expressions for adults (violent expressions)