This is a tower crane, intended to be used in unity. It can be used as a background. The arms and hooks are movable with bones. The price is discounted during Vket5. 1,500yen→1,000yen [Contents] tower_crane.unitypackage tower_crane.fbx readme.tex(japanese) Various textures.png
You are free to modify this model. Commercial use and use for R18 and R18G are allowed. The model may not be used for political or religious activities or for defamation. Uploading to VRchat is allowed, but please do not make this model available to others. Redistribution of the model is not allowed regardless of whether it is modified or not. No credit is required when using this model. The copyright is not waived. We are not responsible for any problems, troubles, or damages caused by the use of this model. We are not responsible for any problems, troubles or damages caused by using this model. Enacted on December 18, 2020