Power Armor Costume Data for Nekoyama Nae Nekoyama Nursery is not included, please install and use the Nekoyama Nursery from the link below https://www.v-market.work/ec/items/3776/detail/ Modeled in accordance with the terms of the Tuculumori The body leotard and socks were appropriated from the mesh data of the body [Nekoyama_body_base]. Nekoyama Nae Version 1.03 (October 14, 2020) Please use the ZIP file labeled Body Ver 1.03 Unity2018.4.20f operationally verified ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BoothURL⇒https://suiseimaou.booth.pm/items/2423449 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2020/10/03 First published Overview Custom Costumes for Nekoyama Nae "Power Armor". Use UTS shaders Prebuilt Prefab is included How to introduce After importing the "Nekoyama Nursery" body UnityPackage Import this costume data UnityPackage additionally Avatar 2.0/3.0 support From a folder in Project Place each corresponding Prefab in your Hierarchy and use it The behavior is different in Avatar 2.0 and 3.0 Avatar 2.0 = no gimmick Avatar 3.0 = dress-up, with rocket punch gimmick Nekoyama Naae-chan is an exclusive costume Some of the costumes can be introduced to other avatars as well As an example of construction Includes a pre-built Prefab for your own avatar "Rhododendron https://suiseimaou.booth.pm/items/2279780 (Added 10/03/2020) Other models included with the introduction guide (Added Oct. 14, 2020) Separate costume: For those who purchase a dancer's costume for Nekoyama Nae-chan Shipped with Avatars 3.0 pre-built Prefab, which allows you to switch between two outfits https://suiseimaou.booth.pm/items/2444938 State Polygon number: 37789 Material: 4 Configuration Configuration UnityPackage nekoyama_nae_PowerArmor1.2(2.0or3.0Package).unitypackage -Import to Unity Prefab Prefab_Avatar2.0 folder Nekoyama_naeV1.03_Avatar2.0_PowerArmor Combat Doll_Rhododendron PowerArmor2.0 Prefab_Avatar3.0 folder Nekoyama_naeV1.03_Avatar3.0_PowerArmor Combat Doll_Rhododendron PowerArmorAvatar3.0 FBX Nekoyama_nae_PowerArmorOnly.fbx Syakunage_ExtendHandR.fbx Guide Installation Instructions for Nekoyamanae's PowerArmor and other models.pdf Texture One set
Terms of Use Nekoyama Nae-chan's custom costume "Power Armor The purchaser/user of this site will be deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Use This costume data is a 3D model sold by "Tsukuru no Mori". A derivative of "Nekoyama Nursery The copyright of this costume data belongs to the creator "Mercury Demon King". This costume data is "Nekoyama Nursery" sold by Sold in accordance with the terms and conditions of Mr. Tuculumori Trouble arising from the use of this costume data The costume data producer is not responsible for any damage Distribution/Alteration This costume data redistribution is prohibited Permission to modify this costume data Upload Prohibit the uploading of this costume data to a service where it can be downloaded by an unspecified number of users (Please contact the respective service administrators for service features) Permission is granted to the purchaser of the costume data to upload the model data to VRCchat, cluster and other services for his own use. Permission to post videos on Youtube and other video sites using the whole or part of the costume data 2020/10/03 Mercury Demon King Revision History 2020/10/03 First published 2020/10/03 V1.1 V1.1 Installation instructions for other models included 2020/10/14 V1.2 Compatible with body version 1.03 Added Prefab for separate costume buyers Files no longer conflict when imported into the same Project with another costume Dress-up patterns added