Optimized 264 verts 256 tris Comes with 5 material variations you can preview here: https://gyazo.com/07671a1b4c6870a0d37015675ccc4a66.mp4 Resale and distribution not allowed Requirements and Installation # Requirements Poiyomi Toon Shader https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases # Installation 1. Install Poiyomi Toon Shader's Unity Package 2. Install Unity Package for downloaded asset 3. Drag and drop a desired prefab file into your Scene view. Most assets come with several prefab files. 4. Parent to a bone then rotate, position, and scale until you are happy. (F to focus, then W,E,R keys )
All rights reserved. No sharing or distribution allowed. License written in English then translated.