This is a tulle fabric texture that can be used in VRoid Studio v0.8.0 or later. You can apply the texture to your hair and create the shape you like. This material is a texture material only and does not include a 3D model. We have a tutorial article on how to make a chouche using this fabric, which looks like a thumbnail image. I have this texture and I don't know how to use it! If you are a person who is interested in this, please take a look at it.(Japanese text onry) On VRoid hub, we have published a model using this fabric! Charlotte(シャルロッテ) 橘 文華(Tatibana Fumika)
To the extent possible under law, 佐久間蒼乃(SakumaAono) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to VRoid髪向け チュール生地. This work is published from: 日本. *The copyright is waived by the above statement. Therefore, "addition or modification" and "distribution with this texture data attached You can freely use it for commercial purposes. *However, if you use it in conjunction with other items, please pay attention to the terms of use of the items you are using together.