This is a casket hat intended to be worn on a character model. -------------------------------------------- data content ・Three types of texture images + normal map, UV(PNG,PSD) ・casket.fbx(3Dmodel) ・casket01unity.unitypackage(standerd shader has been set)
Terms of Use The license for each file in this material is as follows. To the extent possible under law, 佐久間蒼乃(SakumaAono) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to チェック柄ハンチング帽. This work is published from: 日本. The above text is a waiver of copyright. Therefore, please feel free to "add or modify", "distribute this texture data with this data attached" or "use it for commercial purposes". However, if you want to use the item with other items, please pay attention to the terms of use of the item you are using together.