Have you ever thought that your avatar angel? Now, it is time to be both in name and reality!!! It is my first computer graphics challenge, so quality is low.... If you have any question or wanna be my friend, ask me on twitter id "taimiso0319", or feel free to add friend on Discord (Yasuda#5070) Installation: 1. Prepare a Unity project that contains the Dynamic Bone asset. (if you want to edit Dynamic Bone.) 2. Unzip download file, the execute and import the unitypackage. It will be imported at Assets/Taimiso/AngelRing. 3. The prefab is already set the Dynamic Bone component, however you can remove as you want. 2020/05/10 Update: I added a shader for rainbow coloring and for creating flashing animation.
- For commercial products: OK Such as Game, Movie and LiveStreaming. - Modifications: OK - For porn products: OK - Re-publishing: OK/NG* It is okay to republish as long as for free to download. Do not earn any money from this product no matter whether modified or not. - To upload to service that uses avatar system such as VRChat: OK. - To use for religious, political, immoral, attacking, violating activities purpose: NG