Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Published from : 2020/04/19 16:27:00

    Product Details

    This is a ring designed with the motif of "Mobius's ring". It can be used for avatar accessories and world interiors. Subdivided mesh version "MobiusRingHQ" is included. Please use according to your purpose. * MobiusRing: 3200 polygons * MobiusRingHQ: 16200 polygons * The file format includes unity package and glTF (.glb).

    Terms of Use

    * Terms of use - The format, content, and target age of the content that uses this data does not matter. - When using it, you are free to change the design and mesh. - Works using this data can be used freely regardless of whether it is commercial or non-commercial, corporate or individual. - You do not need to display the name of the producer as a credit. * Prohibited matters - It is prohibited to redistribute or sell this data in such a form that it becomes the main body of the content regardless of whether it is modified or not. * Disclaimer - Please note that we are not responsible for any damage, loss, or other disadvantages resulting from the use of this data.