Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Published from : 2024/12/04 11:25:54

    Product Details

    The Avi Pad is a Customizable Touchpad Framework for PC Avatars. The Avi Software is still in beta and is only available on the Discord for now. Booth Store : https://kazoora.booth.pm/items/5868016

    Terms of Use

    • You are allowed to install the Avi Pad on your VRChat private and public avatars. • You are allowed to make and share skins for the Avi Pad. • You are not allowed to share or redistribute the Avi Pad files. • You are not allowed to redistribute the Avi Pad Software. • You are not allowed to remove or modify the store link from the Avi Pad.