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Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    【VRchat想定】どこでも喫茶 - ぶいサイフォン【MA対応Avaterギミック】
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【VRchat】DokodemoCafe - V Siphon【Avater gimmick for MA】

Published from : 2024/08/17 17:03:27

Product Details

⚠️The current price is set experimentally and may increase in the future. Thank you for your understanding. 【Normally 500 yen, now FREE!】 As a thank you for participating in our product survey, we are gifting everyone who answers with a "Fashion Frame Glasses 'CatGaze'"! The survey takes just 1-2 minutes, so please give it a try here 👇! https://forms.gle/NTn8GscADZmFnTcx5 Created by: @chechetoo_EXP 【X】 https://twitter.com/chechetoo_EXP We've recreated the experience of a coffee stand, or a mobile coffee shop, in VRChat! With this avatar gimmick, you can open your own coffee shop anywhere, enjoy talking with customers, and have fun! "Anywhere Cafe - V Siphon" is Unity and Blender data designed for use in VRChat. This item is an avatar gimmick, not a world gimmick, meaning it integrates with your avatar. The position in your hand is adjusted to match the "Manuka" position. If the object's position seems unnatural after importing it into your avatar, please refer to the "Before Purchase" section on how to adjust the position. 【Shader】 This accessory uses the "lilToon Shader." Please import the following shader before importing the Unity package. Here’s the Booth link for the free "lilToon Shader." https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 Please read the terms of use below and agree before downloading. 【Contents】 <Anywhere Cafe - V Siphon> ・VSiphon.unitypackage  L FBX  L Prefab files  L Animations  L Animation Controller  L Particle effects  L Materials  L Textures ・FBX file ・Blender file ・Texture files ※The color appearance may vary depending on the world lighting and implementation environment. 【How to Install】 1. Import the lilToon Shader. 2. Turn on the module avatar. 3. Import the VSiphon.unitypackage. 4. Drag & drop the Prefab file to the top of your avatar! For more detailed instructions, including positioning adjustments, please refer to the PDF provided in the "Before Purchase" section. 【Assets Used】 ・Fire Particle Effect for VRChat https://booth.pm/ja/items/3251101 ・Water Gun Particle Effect https://booth.pm/ja/items/4010554 ・Glass Shader Ver2.1 for Glass Sphere https://oyasumisan.booth.pm/items/1118922 ・【Unity/VRChat】UPDATED FREE Basic Breath Smoke by Raivo https://booth.pm/ja/items/2252162 【Creation Story】 Completing this V Siphon project has changed both my personality and environment significantly. I've learned to use my time more effectively and have become slightly more extroverted. With the help of many people, I was able to bring this project to life! I started working on this V Siphon three months ago. Before that, I was hooked on Apex for about 8 hours a day for almost 5 years. I even remember playing it right up until the day before my university entrance exams. Then I heard that declaring your goals to others could help you change your behavior, so I started telling everyone, "I'm going to make a siphon coffee in VR!" This helped me pause and think about what I should do before starting up the game, and eventually, I was able to uninstall it. At first, it was tough, but gradually, I spent less time on things like social media and short videos, and more time on the V Siphon project. This change wasn't just due to my own effort but also thanks to the support from those around me. I'm deeply grateful to everyone who helped me, even though I had nothing to offer in return. Thank you so much. Oh, and a special thanks to Tsuru, the avatar gimmick genius who helped me when I was stuck with bugs and couldn't figure things out! Without Tsuru's help, this project wouldn't have been possible! Big thanks! For those who want to do more than just modify their clothes but also realize their ideas, please check out Tsuru’s channel! https://www.youtube.com/@vrchatunity Next, I'm planning to adapt this to a world gimmick and add more brewing methods. 【Update History】 2024/8/13 Product Release 2024/8/14 v1.1 Released ・Fixed an issue where the yellow coffee cup would not rotate 2024/8/15 v1.2 Released ・Added icons to the expression menu 2024/8/15 v.1.3 Released ・Fixed issues with position and rotation when added to the avatar If your table was tilting when you added it to your avatar, try the new Prefab file! ・The glass shader was missing in v1.1 and v1.2, causing the flask and funnel to turn pink. To solve this: 1. Download the new version (v1.3 or later). 2. Or, import the shader from this shop. https://oyasumisan.booth.pm/items/1118922 2024/8/17 v1.4 Released ・Fixed Prefab issues  L Fixed hand positioning issues when holding the item ・Both Prefabs now have fixed issues with the coffee cup flying off.

Terms of Use

[Terms of Use OK Personal use Modification for personal use Personal use ・Publication of 3D models in the world for personal use. Enjoy with people around you! NG Transfer, distribution, and sale of 3D data Transfer, distribution, or sale of modified 3D data based on this model or gimmick. If you have any questions, please contact us. ・Acts that cause discomfort to others. Illegal acts using these contents However, even if the prohibited acts are included in the list, we will not be held liable for any other acts that are illegal or inappropriate. However, even if the content is included in the NG activities, we will still accept consultations such as “I want to do a joint project” or “I want to use part of this content for commercial purposes. In case of consultation In case of commercial or corporate use If you have any questions Please contact us at the following address https://forms.gle/NTn8GscADZmFnTcx5 By purchasing this model, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. *The avatar “Manuka” in the sample photo is not included.