-Original 3D model - BOTAN This model is a 3D model designed for use with VRChat. ◆Precautions ◆ Please read the model description and terms of use below before purchasing. *Because of the nature of downloadable products, we cannot accept returns or refunds. *We do not guarantee that this model will work with anything other than Unity2022.3.6f1. *Please install liltoon (https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170) before installing this model. Please install ModularAvatar when using ver.1.1. This model is created with blender 3.3.5, so it may not load properly with earlier versions. ◆Commodity Contents blend file (created with blender 3.3.5) FBX file PSD file Texture folder Readme Readme ・・・unitypackage file Model information Humanoid format support Lip sync support Full Body Tracking supported PhysicsBone support Avatar rank Verypoor 76573 polygons 36 anim files with facial expressions included 23 basic shape keys for VRChat 179 shape keys for facial expressions and adjustments 28 shape keys for body shape and adjustment 32 shape keys for clothing and hairstyles 39 shape keys for MMD lilToon_1.7.3 pre-configured materials
VN3 license ( https://www.vn3.org/ ) is applied to this model. VN3 license ( https://www.vn3.org/ ) is applied to this model. Please refer to the following link for the terms and conditions. license(JP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cyrn2T3z4vsU6Jbuohht_PdlyCQGx_no/view?usp=sharing license(EN) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UTVYUgEuLAy4RxmkcLTpGasfHbwwUgd-/view?usp=sharing By purchasing this model, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please be sure to read them carefully before using this model. In the event of any differences with other languages, the Japanese version of the Terms of Use shall apply.