3D model created by blender. A UnityPackage for VRChat is included. It is Quest compliant, so you can use it as is with the prescribed upload method. The VRM version will be implemented in the future, but for now it is not implemented yet. The specifications will change considerably, so we will respond as soon as we think of something. The turret can be rotated and moved up and down from the Ex menu. You can also fire cucumbers. Please note that it takes about 2 seconds to fire the first shot.
Commercial use is allowed. R-18 and R-18G expressions are allowed. If it is possible. You can use it in Youtube distribution, etc. Redistribution is not allowed. For more information, please refer to the following link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KLUxHMhVoZoy2XiFzPnUTR1cwN1bEKS8?usp=sharing