꧁————————————————————————————————————꧂ In the deep forest, one mysterious witch lived in the house. No one loves drink as much as her. Despite being a witch, she is also an adventurer who enjoy beverage around the world. However, she got bored of all of drinks in the whole world and seek for new sensation for long time. Then the witch came up with the idea of creating a brand-new drink by projecting the scenes where she had seen in the middle of the adventure. Accumulating research, finally the development of the new sense beverage was succeeded! She named this, "Diorama Cocktail" ꧁————————————————————————————————————꧂ This commodity is the 3D model of 【Diorama Cocktail】 which project the cool view into a drinking grass. And this is the first pass of 【Diorama Cocktail】 named 【Serale Arancia ~The Full Moon of citrus~】. "Serale" means "night view", "Arancia" means "oranges" in Italy. I designed to make a slice of orange to look like the full moon. Also, I'm thinking for making a series for this merchandise. The other traits ・It includes 4 textures for changing colors. ・Since it has low polygons, you can use it for avatar accessory modification. ※This asset use liltoon shader. I recommend you to install this before you use my commodity. (liltoon is free!!) https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 △polygon:2060
The user policy ・Allowing commercial use. (Showing the commodity in video such as YouTube is allowed even in monetizing.) ・All distribution or redistribution with altering or not are forbidden. ・You cannot use this item for express any sensitive or discriminatory expression. ・Any buyer is regard as assentient of mentioned above. Place to contact 蛍雪めもり Twitter: @HotaruyukiMemor https://twitter.com/HotaruyukiMemor