It is a 3D material that is a set of a photo frame and a self-made design image processed by AI. Produced in Unity. Please use it as a world accessory such as Vket / VRChat / Cluster. (Breakdown of products) ・5 self-made AI-processed design drawings, mainly based on landscape photographs. 【file organization】 ・FBX file ・unity package FBX file structure of unitypackage: The image is attached to phot01. Cylinder is a photo frame. xx (FBX name) ¥photo01 \Cylinder ¥ Cylinder (1) ¥ Cylinder (2) ¥ Cylinder (3) Ver1.0 2023/06/16
- You can freely change the design, modify the model, etc. of this data. - Commercial use is possible. - Notation of copyright notice and usage report is unnecessary. - The act of secondary distribution or secondary sale of this material as it is is prohibited. - We are not responsible for any problems caused by using the materials.