■About Template Set for ComicVket 3 Standard Plan ・The templates can be used to create the poster images that you should submit from the “Upload and Manage Data” page: namely the three Poster images, single Table Cover Poster, and up to four Decoration images. ・Read through the note layer in the files and modify the file contents as you see fit. You may omit layers and replace the parts with your own images. ・The templates contain background layer, category tag layers, and layers meant for price display. All of these layers are optional, and you can pick whatever you want to use. The canvas sizes of the PSDs are exactly the same as the requirements. ・You will need to export to PNG format. You may not submit the PSD file itself. ・Once ready, submit your data by logging in to ComicVket 3 website and open “Upload and Manage the Data” ・The submission deadline is January 18, 2023. You may resubmit and update your data as many times as you want. Use the preview on the website to adjust your image. ・If you have any questions, please feel free to send inquiries in ComicVket 3 Discord server, GT Discord server, or the contact form in the official website. https://comic3.vket.com/contact
■Notes on Template Set for ComicVket 3 Standard Plan ・Redistribution is not allowed. If you want to share the template to your friends, please share the product URL on Vket Store. ・The template can only be used with Adobe Photoshop or relevant software. ・We are afraid no templates are prepared for the sample pages and the Simple Plan poster. ・Please read through the Submission Guide before uploading your data. https://comic3.vket.com/docs/upload_guide