▶︎About◀︎ This is PlanarianCookie avatar. Planarian and Hammerhead worm. I was making cookie molds and I wanted to make avatars too, so I made these out of self-indulgence! This is my first work, so there are some things that are not perfect. I hope you can fix it and use it. If you modify it and post it on social networking sites, it will make me happy!! You can find a pedestal for your avatar below. You can also clone them. VirtualMket2022Winter World : “Snowman's Toy Factory Hustle’n’bustle” Circle page:[https://winter2022.vket.com/world/21](https://winter2022.vket.com/world/21) ▶︎Set includes◀︎ The 2types avaters are in one zip file. UnityPackage (FBX、Texture、Material ) blender file fbx file readme ▶︎How to use◀︎ 1. Inport Unitypackage for unity. 2. A model what you like drop into Inspector or Scene. 3. Add "VRC Avatar Discriptor" and "Animator" in Inspector. 4. Auto fix VRChat SDK and Builder errer. 5. Upload Avater Tnank you for reading. Have a good VR life, handsome! BOOTH has cookie molds to make cookies at home! https://placookiemold.booth.pm/items/4365874
▶︎Terms of service◀︎ Please read the Terms of Use before purchasing. Permission ・Personal use ・Modification ・Uploading to VR or other games ・Output to the real world with 3D printer Prohibited matter ・Resale and redistribution (alteration and parts diversion are not possible) ・Self-made remarks ・Corporate commercial use ・Paid sales of this model or altered works ・Political/religious/sexual/violent use. By purchasing this model, you agree to these Terms of Use. The contents of the Terms of Use are subject to change, and the latest version shall apply. This data is intended for use with VRChat; use outside of VRChat is not prohibited, but we will not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. The copyright of this data belongs to the creator.