Nice to meet you all for the first time. For those of you who know it, "I haven't heard from you for a long time." My name is Ren Houjyou(or Mona). The goal is to express imaginary objects as manga and illustrations, and to make manga and illustrations feel real. This time again, it will be a fanbook for the tower defense game [Arknights] run by Yostar Co., Ltd. There is no specific time series. It's almost a short break. The main content was delusional about how people would react if someone confessed to Suzuran. In the main part of the game, there are many things that can be said to be abnormal except for Suzuran's basic profile. When a person who has nothing to do with the operator confesses to Suzuran... Like last time, I think the behavior and lines of the characters are different from those in the game, but I think it's aegyo, so please take care of me.
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