Contents ● Stubborn-girl.vrm ● Stubborn-girl.unitypackage attention ● Please check how to upload to VRChat by yourself. ● The dynamic bone component has already been set, but please purchase and install the dynamic bone body yourself. If you do not want to introduce dynamic bones, remove the component. ● Shader is not included. Please install by yourself. ● The mesh part of the model uses a transparent texture. Use a shader that supports transparency processing. Therefore, avatars cannot be used with the Quest version of VRChat, which cannot use shaders that support transparency processing. ● Because it was created by an amateur, if there is a problem, it may not be possible to respond promptly. It may take a lot of time, but we will do our best to deal with it, so please contact us if you have any problems. ● I am translating into English using Google Translate.
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