The "Virtual Vtuber Compilation" is a compilation of music created exclusively for fictional Vtubers to beat each other to the punch. ---------- 01-たぬぽん~愛の葛藤~ by Deadly Ax(@DeadlyAx) 02-Bastet in the Moonlight by Eraser(@Chalon_Bus) 03-眩 by HAZMA(@Hazma5246) 04-Saint-Malo(サン・マロ) by KilroyJP(@zuapctraoil434) 05-Quartz Reflection by Litsar.(@LitPhx) 06-星数え by Nastur(@Nastur_kyo) 07-Our everything by Re_gel feat. L4hee(@GUnivol) 08-舞えよ桜 by 歌唱:刀霧セツナ 作詞:彼方はてな 作編曲:或(ある)(@arcana55555) 09-即興曲「木星から」byとげのむ(@TogenomMusic) 10-水花火 by 西森夢理(@MuriNishimori) 11-田口遥 by 田口遥(CV:大君(はるくん))(@TokaiALS48) ----------