*If you would like to see the instructions before purchasing, you can see them here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRE7bvP8WCveBwQ9e7a1o6anOiGE4bA6eNmpK-YmobVWosaJuuXwdKTvGMXGxTZopQAJUx_3l83XXXC/pub *This item is "3D model data for avatars" and cannot be imported and used in VRoid Studio. (Please import it to Unity or 3D Modeler and wear it.) How to Use Import the .unitypackege into Unity if you want to use it for your VRChat avatar or VRM data. After adjusting the position of the hat, place it inside the character's head bone. (Make it a child of the head bone). This item is bundled with the "キセテネ(Kisetene)" by 灯火. Please refer to the instruction manual for details on how to install. (You can check it before purchase). FBX data is intended to be used with software other than Unity. We will skip this explanation as it varies depending on the application. ----------------------------------- Included tools (honorific titles omitted) 「ツケテネ」 https://shivi.booth.pm/items/2482297 MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 灯火/とも屋 このソフトはMITライセンスのもとに公開されています。 Released under the MIT license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 「UniVRM」 https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 VRM Consortium このソフトはMITライセンスのもとに公開されています。 Released under the MIT license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
◆ Terms of Use English ver. Uni-Virtual License 【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・Personal Commercial Use ・Corporate Commercial Use ・Distribution of Derivative Works ・Diversion of Model Data ・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use ・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use This data has the following special notes. Remarks ◆ Supplement to about R-18, R-18G, NSFW Follow the rules for each platform. Please take care not to show the contents including "R-18, R-18G, NFSW" to minors. ◆ Supplement to about commercial use Please basically according to the UV License. However, please do not use it as shown below. ・Use of exaggerated expressions and content that induces misunderstanding ◆Supplement to Article 4 of the basic clause “Prohibition of Acts that Inhibit the Rights of the Copyright Holder”on the UV License ,indicates the following. (Not limited to this, please refrain from acts that Inhibit the Rights of the Copyright Holder.) ・Set your avatar or world to "Public" on VRChat ・on VRoid Hub, set "Can this model data be used by others?" to "YES". ・Make settings so that other users can use this item on THE SEED Online For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. https://uv-license.com/en/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93&pcu=true&ccu=true&ddw=true&dmd=true&seu=true&veu=true&remarks=true