In this pack, you will receive 4 Japanese Style Shoji Wooden Lamps. These models were made in Blender 2.83, and are exported as FBX. You can change color of lamps using the emissive materials. All materials, and texture maps already configured and ready to go, with prefab folder containing full setup ready for use! Total Combined Polygons: 12,976 4 Texture maps (2048 Resolution) 3 Emissive textures 4 Total lamps
*PLEASE READ CAREFULLY* TERMS AND CONDITIONS You can NOT: -Share or redistribute this package in any way, form, or fashion. -Resell this package or use it commercially, unless significantly modified. You cannot resell this package as is. You CAN: -Modify the models, mix, innovate, and/or change the textures in this package for your personal use only. -Use these assets in any of your unity projects or other, as long as you own the project. -Use these assets in a video game creation or different platform other than VRChat. *You agree to these terms and conditions when you buy this product*