Update History 2020/12/19 Download page open DoubleEdge polygon: 1576 material: 2 Texture: BaseColor,Normal,MetallicSmoothness Size: approx. 20cm (length) * 2m (width) * 10cm (depth) UTS2 is recommended. https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0 How to install 1.Download UTS2 and import it to Unity. 2. Unzip the zip folder of this data to a location of your choice. 3. Import Unitypackage to Unity to view the sample. Product contents DoubleEdge.fbx DoubleEdge.blend DoubleEdgeSample.unitypackage Texture folder Tex_DoE_SiS_Ham_Axe_Base_Color.png Tex_DoE_SiS_Ham_Axe_Normal_OpenGL.png Tex_DoE_SiS_Ham_Axe_MetallicSmoothness.png 20200912095805vn3license.pdf Readme.Text Contact us Twitter https://twitter.com/azidouraku_kume Email address azidourakukume@gmail.com If you have any questions or reports, please contact us via DM or email.
Please check the following information. By downloading and using this model, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Full text of terms and conditions https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lHUcz0DmYeiH5uhs2oxZGHJaBF37ukBA/view?usp=sharing If you are a corporation or organization, please contact us by DM or email. The fourth picture of the product is the same as the list of permissions in the text. The conventions in this model were created using VN3 https://www.vn3.org/