A building model designed for VRChat. It can also be used with other services and games, but I have not tested it. This is the booth data displayed at Vket5 "Isekai Marche", minus the logo and sales items. You are free to modify as you wish, within the scope of the Terms of Use. When you use the data as world material for VRC, you would need to make lighting settings, compress textures, and/or bake meshes. Please be aware that a certain amount of knowledge of world creation is required to create the desired picture, so please be aware of this before purchasing. Package contains: - 3D model (fbx): 11,373 polygons - Textures (png): Base, Normal, Height, AO, Metalic - Materials with Standard Shader, and the above textures - Prefab with the above materials and lights, emission Remarks UV2 is not unwrapped. To make the texture as high resolution as possible, the left and right UVs are overlapped.
Terms of Use This is a translated text just for reference and the Japanese text is the original. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail. These Terms of Use shall apply between AWAI (trade name: GinReiDo, hereinafter referred to as "AWAI") and the purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser") of the material data sold by AWAI (hereinafter referred to as the "Products"), and the Purchaser shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use upon purchase of the Products. These Terms of Use are subject to change without prior notice, and if Purchaser continue to use the Products after any changes are made to these Terms of Use, Purchaser will be deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms of Use. 1. general provisions The copyright (including the rights stipulated in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act) of the Products belongs to AWAI or the third party who has licensed the rights to AWAI. Any use of Products other than the scope of the license explicitly set forth in this Agreement shall be prohibited in principle. 2. scope of permission for use Purchaser may use Products for any commercial or non-commercial purpose within the following scope and is not required to display the copyright notice or obtain prior permission from AWAI. 2.1 Use as Avatar Purchaser is allowed to use Products as part or all of his/her own avatar in a service that allows Purchaser to express him/herself as an avatar (including but not limited to VRChat and Virtual Cast, hereinafter referred to as "Avatar Service"). However, this shall not apply if the use of Product in the Avatar Service falls under the prohibition of Section 3 due to the nature of the service. 2.2 Use as a World Purchaser is allowed to use Products as a component of a world in a service that allows Purchaser to create a world or a similar electronic space and invite other users to the world (including, but not limited to, VRChat and Virtual Cast, hereinafter referred to as "World Service"). However, this does not apply if the use of Products in the World Service falls under the prohibition in Section 3 due to the nature of the service. 2.3 Use as game materials Purchaser is allowed to use Products as part of the components of a game that Purchaser is producing. However, this does not apply if the use of Products in the game falls under the prohibition in 3. due to the nature of the game. 2.4 Use as distribution, video, or image material Purchaser allowed to use Products as part of video streaming, video content, or image content. However, this shall not apply if the use of the Products in such purpose falls under the prohibition of 3. due to the nature of the content. 2.5 Modification Purchaser is allowed to modify Products in the course of using 2.1. through 2.4. to the extent that such modification does not fall under the prohibition of 3. However, regardless of the modification, the copyright of the Products shall belong to AWAI or the third party who has licensed the rights to AWAI, and Purchaser shall be fully responsible for the results of the modification. 3. Prohibited matters The following acts are prohibited in the use of Products. 3.1 Sharing of data Sharing, selling, or distributing the data contained in Products to a third party. 3.2 Publication of data Making the data contained in Products available for download by an unspecified number of people. 3.3 Transfer of rights Transfer, sale, or succession of the rights and obligations of Purchaser arising from these Terms and conditions to a third party. 3.4 Violation of Laws and Regulations Violating laws or public order and morals. 4. disclaimers 4.1 Non-warranty Products are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, that Products are free of defects or that they will meet the Purchaser's requirements. 4.2 Blanket disclaimer AWAI shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of the Products by the Purchaser. 4.3 Force Majeure AWAI shall not be liable for any event that is beyond its reasonable control (including, but not limited to, changes in the specifications of VRChat or Unity). 5. Miscellaneous provisions 5.1 Governing Law These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. 5.2 Exclusive jurisdiction The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms. Enacted: December 15, 2020