Producer: Furarann Thank you for purchasing our celestial globe object. Feel free to use it as an object to place in your world or as an accessory to attach to your avatar. New!:To celebrate the VketMallProto exhibit, we've created a lightweight version! It also comes with the set. Update History 20/12/06 released 20/12/09 Date Correction for Update History 21/07/31 Vketmall lightweight model added ■3D Model Description Modification is OK. You are free to make changes to the site. However, if you make changes that are extremely offensive to public order and morals, we may decide that your work is not acceptable. ■Disclaimer and Terms of Use 【Disclaimer】 The copyright of this data belongs to Furaran, the author. The author will not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of this data. ■Contents ・CelestialGlobeObj_ver2.unitypackage : Import this unitypackage with unity.There are three versions of the prepab: full version (with celestial sphere and pedestal), celestial sphere only, and pedestal only. Please feel free to use them as you wish. ・CelestialGlobeObj 3D Model Data and Texture Data: Contains the fbx files and textures used in this 3D model. Please make use of it when you make changes. ・3D model data and texture data of Haguruma_Art :This model is a lightweight version of CelestialGlobeObj for VketmallProto. The fbx files and textures used in this 3D model are included. Please use them when you modify the model. ・Readme : This is the text file you are looking at right now. Please read it once. ・Terms of Use : This is a text file you are viewing now. Please read it before using it. ■Contact Us If you have any questions or reports, I will respond via Twitter DM or email. Twitter: furarann_VR37 Email:
This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・Personal Commercial Use ・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use ・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL.