[Dress-texture]Christmas Dress Textures Contains textures for dresses, drawers, stockings & gloves, and shoes. 【dress】 It is divided into each size (S, M, L). Select [One Piece Short Sleeve] and import the texture of your favorite size. Please refer to [数値参考-衣装.png] and adjust the skirt parameters to your liking. ★ S size ・ Dress-s.png ・ Dress-reindeer-s.png ・ Dress-tree-s.png * Recommended parameter value "breasts Proximity" 0.30-0.60 "breasts Volume" 0.00-0.30 "Cuff Tightness" 90 "Flat shoulders" around 50 ★ M size ・ Dress-m.png ・ Dress-reindeer-m.png ・ Dress-tree-m.png * Recommended parameter value "breasts Proximity" 0.40-0.60 "breasts Volume" 0.30-0.80 "Cuff Tightness" 90 "Flat shoulders" around 50 ★ L size ・ Dress-L.png ・ Dress-reindeer-L.png ・ Dress-tree-L.png * Recommended parameter value "breasts Proximity" 0.50-0.80 "breasts Volume" 0.80 to 1.20 "breasts Downward" 0.80-1.00 "Cuff Tightness" 90 "Flat shoulders" around 50 【ribbon】 Select [One Piece Short Sleeve] to import the texture of your favorite dress, then create a new layer on top and import it. ・ Rivon.png ・ Rivon2.png ・ Rivon3.png Import [ribon-shadow.png] into the layer between the dress and the ribbon, and specify the layer mode as "Multiply" or "Burn Linear". [Cumerbund] Select [One Piece Short Sleeve] to import the texture of your favorite dress, then create a new layer on top and import it. Please use the size that matches the dress. ・ Belt-S.png ・ Belt-M-L.png Import [belt (s, M-L) -shadow.png] into the layer between the dress and the belt, and specify the layer mode as "Multiply" or "Burn Linear". 【boots】 The texture of the boots. Contains 2 colors. Select [Shoes (One Piece)] and import the texture. "Socks (with angled)" is recommended for [the shape of the toes]. ・ Shoes.png ・ Shoes-2.png [Drawers Texture] Simple short drawers to prevent panchira. Select Lower Body → [Pants (no creases)] and import the texture. It is recommended to set the "Pants Crease" to about 40 to 50. ・ Bottoms.png [Stockings & Gloves Texture] Stocking and glove texture. Select Edit Body and import the texture. ・ Body-1.png ・ Body-2.png ・ Body-3.png
〇Editing / modifying texture color change, retouch, rewrite, partial deletion, etc. 〇 Modifications and extraction editing for wearing on models not made by VRoid 〇Editing / modification such as model mesh editing and bone addition 〇 Wearing in videos such as personal distribution and monetized channels (I would appreciate it if you could give me credit) 〇Posting of wearing photos on SNS and other sites, promotion, etc. × Redistributing and selling the inclusions in this package × Distribute and sell models and textures that have been modified or used as bases. × Distributing and selling models with inclusions without permission △ Please contact us for activities worn by Vtubers and characters belonging to companies.