VRC assumed accessory "flask bomb" It is a unity package of fbx model and arktoon / standard material. You can create an animation that unfolds with BlendShape. There are two types of expansion and pre-expansion states, each of which is saved in fbx format. 【Notes】 -This product uses materials for arctoon. Installation of arctoon shader is required. -Models, textures, and effects can be freely modified and modified. -Please do not redistribute the data. -It is supposed to be used in VRChat. However, it can also be used for other video content, homebrew games, etc. [Details] ・ This product unity package ∟ ・ prefab ∟ ・ fbx file (type 1) ∟ ・ fbx file (type 2) ∟ ・ arctoon, standard material 1 set ∟ ・ Texture ・ Readme