Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    【CC0】HairUVcheck texture for VRoid Studio

    Published from : 2020/11/23 11:14:01

    Product Details

    Texture for VRoid Studio to check the UV of the hair. Use it to check the position of the texture and adjust the position of the width of the texture parameters. Size: 512px*1024px

    Terms of Use

    To the extent possible under law, 佐久間蒼乃(SakumaAono) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to 【CC0】陰影ベーステクスチャセット. This work is published from: 日本. *The copyright is waived by the above statement. Therefore, "addition or modification" and "distribution with this texture data attached You can freely use it for commercial purposes. *However, if you use it in conjunction with other items, please pay attention to the terms of use of the items you are using together.