【Overview】 -It is a multi-armed wolf male avatar. -The arms are linked in a straight line. -A model with only two arms is also included. -More than 25 types of facial expression shape keys. - 5 types of pre-set facial expressions. -Dynamic bone, UTS2 is used. -Supports both SDK3.0 2.0. -Avatar performance is medium. 【Note】 - Refunds are not available. -The appearance of VRM model data is significantly different from that when using UTS2 due to the shader. -Quest is not supported. [Content data] ・ FBX data ・ Texture image (PNG image) ・ PSD data ・ Unity package ・ Readme ・ VRM model data 【polygon】 Best ▲ 26,940 Sotai ▲ 21,816 Best (multi-armed) ▲ 32,026 Sotai (multi-armed) ▲ 26,236
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