A 3D model of the player's weapon, a gun, from the VR flight gun shooting game "CYBERN -Invasion Dive-", in which you drive a dragon in cyber space. fbx model data Material (Standard) Includes 5 textures (albedo, metallic, normal map, occlusion and emission). Beams and other effects are not included.
Copyright. The copyright of this model itself is not waived, but you can freely use and modify this model for your personal use. Restrictions on Use unrestricted Commercial use You can use it freely for commercial or non-commercial, corporate or individual use. Processing Restrictions None Redistribution Redistribution and sale as is and after modification is prohibited. Usage Report optional Prohibited items Use of this site for any act or purpose that is offensive to public order and morals, political or religious activities, or for the purpose of slandering or defaming others is prohibited. Disclaimer The author is not responsible for any detriment caused by the use of this item. The terms and conditions may be changed, distribution may be stopped, use may be prohibited, and may be updated without notice. In the event of differences in these Terms of Use between the Japanese and other languages, the Japanese version of the Terms of Use shall be applied. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)