Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Published from : 2020/10/22 16:17:41

    Product Details

    Note: This item has been released as free software. Consider this an item to purchase if you wish to support the project. I received some requests from people about Magic Die V3 who wanted to use it in dice games, but it was not ideal for that purpose. This new version works differently, showing a different number of pips inside depending on which face is facing upwards. Very suitable for dice game use in worlds. The previous version remains available as it has its own appeal. Archive Contents ---------------- ・3D model (FBX) ・Dedicated shader, material & textures ・Sample scene & prefab Questions & Feedback -------------------- Email: hakanai@ephemeral.garden Discord: https://discord.gg/YTQRSW8A

    Terms of Use

    Redistribution possible under MIT licence. See `COPYING.txt`. Would appreciate credit being given, but not required.