CQ_GlassHouse by Coquelicotz Testing World: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_a8151d8a-dba9-43d3-bfed-0d8e9fe49b08&instanceId=49514~private(usr_4cf2c1d9-f965-4f5f-bc24-c76e45f77b13)~nonce(e97f84c8-0404-4f1a-a6c2-eaf30a7a0c95)~canRequestInvite ●setup 1)https://www.vrchat.com/home/download Download Unity and install > make new project. 2)https://www.vrchat.com/home/download Download VRChat SDK and import. 3)import CQ_GlassHouse_vXX.unitypackage 4)Open Assets/CQ_GlassHouse/Demo 5)Import TMP Essentials. 5)Menu → VRChat SDK → Show control Panel → Builder → Setup Layers for VRChat → Do it! → Set Collision Matrix → Do it! 6)Menu → VRChat SDK → Show control Panel → Builder → Online Publishing → Build & Publish
●License for each Asset folder Coq_funi03/Coq_funi04/QC_books:CC0 License CQ_GlassHouse/Sound:CC0 License(from https://freemusicarchive.org/) CQ_GlassHouse/Texture/Photo:Pixabay License(from Pixabay) CQ_GlassHouse/Texture/StandardCubeMap:CC0 License(from HDRI Heaven) Other CQ_GlassHouse files:UV License https://uv-license.com/ja/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93&pcu=on&ccu=on&ddwN=on&pru=on&seu=on&veu=on&remarks=on VRC_StarterKit:Check the README Remarks Allow the world to Public with this asset(Modification or not). The purchaser can use this purchased asset as a present to others without using it myself. This can be modified or unmodified. Anyone who receives the gift will also be deemed to have agreed to comply with this license. Allows use in video broadcasting, etc.