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Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Parent Product

    1st Demo "Yaneura Dowa"

    Published from : 2020/08/10 07:12:59

    Product Details

    This is the first release by Auramorte, a music project. Strange combination of accordion + heavy electric guitar with drop G + female vocals. 1 chorus Demo: https://youtu.be/iIXt2qbhMtA Click here to buy on BOOTH by pixiv: https://auramorte.booth.pm/items/369939

    Terms of Use

    - For personal use only. - Please refrain from reproducing them on video sites. - The use of the sound source for the "I tried to play" movies and other videos can be done freely without permission. - If you want to remix, rearrange, or otherwise modify the music, please contact us at http://auramorte.com using the form at the bottom of this page.