Released in 2018 This was the second work that explored the collaboration between ASMR and music. ASMR×MUSIC 祈り~Prayer~ 1、胎動 -Quickening 2、パレード -Parade 3、帰路 -Start home 4、アヴェ・マリア -Ave Maria 5、鐘の交唱 -Antiphonal bells 6、子守歌 -Lullaby 特典 7~8、グレゴリオ聖歌「アヴェ・マリア」 -Gregorian chant "Ave Maria" special thanks to Yoriko [Tr.4,6,7,8] directed by ASIMOS(Twitter : @sym924)
Redistribution of the sound data without permission is prohibited. Normally, use in a form that cannot be removed is permitted. (e.g. World BGM for VRChat)