Thank you for visiting our dollhouse. This is a whimsical work of the owner. Please read the Terms of Use carefully and handle the blades with care. Product Information Type: long dos Name: Takekiri Blade length: Less than 50cm Number of polygons: 608
Terms of Use for the "Takekiri" long-dos Atto (hereinafter referred to as the "Rights Holder") has entered into these Terms of Use for "Takekiri" (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use"). (hereinafter referred to as "this License") to the User to use the Data as defined in these Terms of Use in accordance with the We will. The User must confirm the contents of these Terms of Use before starting to use the Data. The user must read and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement before using this data. agrees to these Terms of Use at the time of purchase, download, installation, etc. of the Data, regardless of the method You shall be deemed to have done so. In the event that the User is a minor or other person of limited capacity, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use. The consent of a legal representative, such as a person with parental authority, must be obtained in advance. Basic Terms. Article 1 (Definition of Words) Article 2 (Consent of Use) Article 3 (Disclaimer) Article 4 (Ownership of Rights, Handling of Open Source Software, etc.) Article 5 (Termination of Prohibited Acts and Authorization) Article 6 (Liability and Dispute Resolution) Article 7 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces) Article 8 (Governing Law, etc.) individual conditions 1. data to be licensed Conditions of use 3. Special note 4. contact information for rights holders and rights holders 5. Credit notation 6. recommended hashtags (7) License period and modification of the license Version of the Terms of Use basic terms Article 1 (Definition of Words) Words used in these Terms of Use are defined as follows "Data Data and its parts as described in the Data Subject to License under the Individual Terms. The "User You may not purchase or download in a legitimate way, whether as an individual or a legal entity. A person who has legitimately obtained the Data from the rightholder or a third party designated by the rightholder, through the use of a third party, including but not limited to Non-Commercial fee. consideration (any (whether done in form, in name, or with the recipient thereof; the same below). Value. The above profits are generated, and any act with a commercial purpose is considered to be commercial, but it is clearly not a commercial purpose. Some profit is acceptable if the profit is not so great as to be A "commercial An act that does not constitute a non-commercial fee and is intended for commercial purposes or to receive compensation. Avatar. Images, icons, 3D models, etc. that are used to indicate some kind of presence. Social Communication Platform. A service that enables one-way or two-way communication with others online. An "online gaming platform. A service that provides a game that runs online or the game itself that runs online. Coordination. Corrections to be made within the minimum necessary to use this data correctly. Minor modifications to weights and rigs. This includes such things as. Modification. Any modification of the Data in whole or in part beyond the scope of the Adjustment to make it different from the Data. Part. Components of this data, materials and other data that arise from breaking down this data. This includes weights, rigs, etc. Assignment of Rights and Obligations, etc. Assigning, renting, offering as collateral, or causing a third party to assume all or part of the rights and obligations thing. Article 2 (Consent of Use) 1. the Rights Holder may provide the Data to the User in the manner described in these Terms of Use in the individual terms and conditions License Period The user is granted a non-exclusive license to use the software for his or her own personal use around the world within the period of time stated in the Terms and Conditions and any amendments to the license The user shall be able to use the service. However, in the event that the User is a minor or other person with limited capacity, the User shall receive the consent of a guardian or other legal representative in advance. 2. only if you have obtained the 2. in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of the Individual Terms and the Basic Terms, the former shall prevail. In addition, the special The former shall take precedence over the latter with respect to the provisions of this License and any other provisions. 3. the User may reproduce the Data for use within the scope of this permission. 4. the permission for the use of the Data on a particular system shall include a requirement that the system in question be used to achieve the purpose of the permission sought-after book This includes allowing the user to sublicense rights to the data to the minimum extent necessary. This includes, for example For example, when uploading to the system, the operator of the system has the right to use the system for the purpose of providing its services. This includes cases in which you ask for permission to use, duplicate or distribute the Data. However, the system requirements and If the provisions of the Terms of Use, etc. are extremely disadvantageous or unfair to the right holder in terms of socially accepted norms, or if the said Except in cases where the operator of the system can foresee damage or prejudice to the right holder. 5. 5. if expressly permitted by the individual terms and conditions, the user may not allow third parties to adjust or alter the Data Commissioning In this case, the user shall notify the consignee (hereinafter referred to as the "Consignee") of the contents of the Agreement. In this case, the User may request the relevant Consignee (hereinafter referred to as the "Consignee") to provide the User We are obliged to prohibit the use of the Data other than for the purpose of such adjustment or alteration as instructed by the Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall not use the Data for any other purpose. You will be jointly and severally liable to the right holder for the consequences of the preceding actions. 6. If you use the Data in a manner not described in these Terms of Use, you must obtain the explicit permission of the right holder in advance. I need. Article 3 (Disclaimer) This data is provided on an "as is" basis. The rightholder is responsible for ensuring the suitability for a particular purpose of use, non-infringement of third party rights, defects, etc. No warranty is given for the non-existence of defects or for matters arising from law, culture, business practice or usage processes. This data The user is responsible for the use of the Data and shall indemnify and hold the rights holder harmless. Use of the Data or the use of The right holder is not liable for any damage caused by failure to do so. The right holder is liable. the right holder's liability for damages, even in the event that the right holder is not intentionally or grossly negligent and unless prohibited by law shall be limited to direct and ordinary damages up to the price of the Data. Article 4 (Ownership of Rights, Treatment of Open Source Software, etc.) 1. the intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the Data and the Parts (in whole or in part, regardless of their form) Property Rights Part II All other rights are reserved by the rightholder or third parties. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, the right holder The data is provided on an "as is" basis and does not grant any rights to the user. 2. This data includes software or open source software owned by third parties. in some cases. There are. These are the individual licenses applicable to them ("Open Source Licenses, etc."). The license is granted in accordance with the terms of use (the "Terms of Use"). These terms of use are based on the open source license etc. It does not limit the rights of users and does not grant any rights in lieu of them. These Terms of Use and each open source license In the event of any inconsistencies or conflicts with the terms of the Agreement, the latter shall take precedence over the terms of the Agreement only where applicable. Article 5 (Termination of Prohibited Acts and Permission) 1. The User shall not use this data to perform any of the following acts a. Protecting the intellectual property rights (including copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.) of the right holder or any third party, privacy Rights, the Infringement of name and portrait rights, etc. b. Actions that violate the terms of service provided by the right holder or a third party and cause damage c. Defamation of any person or entity, or defamation of any of them. d. Actions that violate or may violate these Terms of Use, laws and regulations, or public order and morals. e. Any action that is detrimental to the right holder or a third party or that damages their confidence. f. interfere with the distribution, updating, or cessation of publication of the Data by the rights holder or a third party designated by the rights holder act g. any other act that the right holder determines to be inappropriate based on reasonable grounds (2) The right holder may terminate this agreement if the user violates this agreement. . On this occasion The right holder shall not be liable for any detriment caused by the termination. Article 6 (Liability for compensation and resolution of disputes) If a user causes damage to the right holder or a third party by violating the Terms of Use, the user shall Directly, while The user shall be liable for any and all damages regardless of the contact. In addition, to minimize such damage, the user The measures shall be taken at the responsibility and cost of the rights holder. If the right holder instructs the right holder as to the method of If the user violates this agreement, the user shall comply with this agreement. 2. In the event of a dispute between the right holder and a third party due to a violation of these Terms of Use by the User, the right holder shall be liable to pay the User's Responsibility and cost. The dispute shall be resolved by the right holder. If the right holder instructs the right holder as to how to resolve the dispute, the right holder's instructions Subject to the following. Article 7 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces) 1. the user (in the case of a legal entity, with respect to its officers or employees) may be a member of an anti-social group (gangsters, gangsters Gangsters, violence. Any person who has not been a member of a gang for 5 years from the time he or she ceased to be a gang member, associate member of a gang, a company related to a gang, a general meeting member, or any other social movement (i.e., a person who does not fall under the category of a gangster gang, or a person who is a violent gangster of special intelligence, or other similar group, or the same below) to not engage in violent, fraudulent or threatening behavior, obstruction of business, or any other illegal activity in the future. You also represent and warrant that 2. you will not provide the Data and the Parts (including any alterations) to anti-social forces, or tune-up The user may not commission any modification of the software. 3. In the event that the user violates any of the provisions of this article, the right holder may terminate this license without any notice. can (do) In this case, the rights holder shall not be required to compensate the user in any way. In this case, the right holder shall not be required to compensate or indemnify the User in any way. The user shall compensate the right holder for any damage caused. Article 8 (Governing Law, etc.) The Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of Japan. About these Terms of Use (2) The court in Japan having jurisdiction over the location of the right holder shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of first instance over any disputes that may arise The court. 2. 2. this license is made in Japanese. In the event of a translation of these Terms of Use, such translation shall be deemed to be a reference and is not binding on the rights holders or users. However, the individual terms and conditions and the individual instructions, etc. based on these Terms of Use are given only in a language other than Japanese. This is not limited to such provisions and instructions. 3. 3. the provisions of these Terms of Use or any part thereof, or any individual instructions or other instructions given under these Terms of Use In accordance with laws and regulations, etc. The other provisions shall remain in full force and effect even if they are determined to be invalid or unenforceable It is. individual conditions 1. data to be licensed The long dos "Takekiri" and all the data that comes with it Conditions of use (1) Users A. Personal Use Permission is granted for both commercial and non-commercial use. B. Corporate Use Permission is granted for both commercial and non-commercial use. Permission for the above use includes permission to use it yourself (as an avatar or other object). (including),. and other expressive activities in the course of one's private life (such as taking commemorative photos and videos, making these web Posting above and This includes permission to use the information in the following ways (2) Uploading to online services C. For their own use, social communication platforms (VRChat, (including Virtual Cast, cluster, etc.) I'll allow it. D. Uploading to online gaming platforms for your own use. I'll allow it. E. The social community for the purpose of making it available to third parties on that platform. Uploading to a cable platform or online game platform doing I won't allow it. (3) Sensitive expressions F. Use of Sexual Expression Permitted (but with segregation) G. Use of Violent Expression Permitted (but with segregation) H. Use for political activities and use for religious activities I won't allow it. (4) Processing I. Align, reduce the number of polygons without compromising appearance, and convert the file format crisis I'll allow it. J. Modify the data or parts of the data or use the modified data in the same manner as the data Use in the case of a modification of the data or parts as the main body (Including) I'll allow it. K. Using the data or parts for the purpose of modifying other data (the data or includes the case where a part is a subelement and another model is the main element. (We'll see.) I'll allow it. L. outsourcing the adjustments or modifications to third parties and renting the Data to them for their use. doing I won't allow it. (5) Redistribution and distribution M. Redistribution in unmodified form I won't allow it. N. Distribute this data as modified. I won't allow it. (6) Use for media products O. Video works, distribution (including Youtube), and use in broadcasting I'll allow it. P. Use in publications and electronic publications I'll allow it. Q. Use for tangible materials (goods) I'll allow it. R. For product development, etc., it can be incorporated into software (including games) and easily removed. distribution in a state of non-distribution. I'll allow it. (7) Derivative works S. Copy the meshes and weights of this data and create the costume data for this data. (except in cases where there are remarkably few changes) Permission is granted for distribution (including distribution and transmission) for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. T. New garments that conform to the standards of this data without using the meshes and weights of this data Creating packaging data, texture data, etc. Permission is granted for distribution (including distribution and transmission) for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. U. Do not use the Data as it is, but use the Data as a motif for a derivative work (so to speak). (so-called "derivative works"). Permission is granted for distribution (including distribution and transmission) for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. (8) Others V. Credit at the time of use We need it. W. Assignment of Rights and Obligations, etc. I won't allow it. 3. Special note X. Special Notes None 4. contact information for rights holders and rights holders Rights holder: At. Email: Twitter: @aaattttttooo Website: 5. Credit notation ©Attomakku Ningyo-kan 6. recommended hashtags #Attomakku Ningyo-kan (7) License period and modification of the license The license period begins on the date you become a user and has no fixed term. The rights holder may not use the software for any other purpose. You may change the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use (including any additions, changes or deletions) on the website or blog, etc. limited to In the event that the User has posted a notice (including a copy of the previous version of this Agreement) and made it known in a reasonable manner, the User may, on or after the effective date of the notice, use this Agreement for the following purposes Using data If the user has not done so, the user shall be deemed to have agreed to such changes. Accordingly, the user may, as far as reasonably possible, periodically notify the rights holder You must verify the information sent out by Version of the Terms of Use 1.00