U-9PDW, a 9mm submachine gun with an AR-15 platform machine. The used warheads are various 9x19 caliber bullets. This model reproduces a full metal jacket 9mm bullet inside the movable chamber. Various attachments can be attached and removed ・ Suppressor ・ CQB flash hider ・ Light combo ・ Holographic site ・ Short type vertical grip ·magazine Moving parts (Shape key is built into chamber & parts object and grip & stock object) ・ Bolt operation (chamber closed / opened) ・ Cocking handle operation ・ Switch selector ・ Stock expansion and contraction Bundled contents ・ U-9PDW.FBX △ 21086 ・ U-9 texture ・ Readme agreement text
Before using the distribution model, the user agrees to all the contents of this agreement before using the distribution. In addition, it is assumed that you have agreed to the terms of use at the time of purchasing this model data. ・ Please use for VRC, game production, video production, etc. ・ Allows modification and alteration. ・ Self-made remarks are prohibited. ・ Allow commercial use such as reflection in distribution. -Redistribution or resale is prohibited regardless of whether it is modified or not. ・ Do not use for the purpose of slander or slander against politics, religion, or others. ・ Trouble or loss caused by using this model or a modified model Therefore, we will not be responsible for any travel.