!!Notice!! We have updated as version 2.0 with PhysBone support. Open-wrap type tenor bass trombone. Comes with a dedicated storage case and a difference file. Poligons 6050 Comes with two models: a movable model with bone and a disassemblable model without integrated mesh. Movable model comes with prefab corresponding to PB. Slide can be moved. ・Sample of PB movement https://twitter.com/notika_VRC/status/1551190939778961408?s=20&t=gG7EmZ11aa8AnoEUsT6JpQ The shape keys can be used to insert and remove the tuning tube, operate the F key lever, and even turn off the F tube to treat it as a tenor trombone. The package includes a preconfigured UnityPackage, fbx, and psd data of textures for modification. Shaders use the liltoon shader. Differences from the old model The mesh vertex reduction model for cases and quests is not included in 2.0. (Please use the 1.3 version as needed.) ・Metal presets for liltoon are not included in 2.0. ∙ Changed to use liltoon metal presets. ・Some UVs have been changed with the addition of F-tubes, so textures are no longer compatible. ∙ It is now possible to move slides on Quest-supported models. ----Older models (v1.3)---- Comes with a dedicated storage case and a difference file Main body -3150 Case (4124) The normal model includes bones, so the slide can follow by setting constraint (a simple setup manual is provided). Reference video→https://twitter.com/notika_VRC/status/1252999196300341249 The model of the case opens and closes with the shape key. The handle also moves in the same way, so it is possible to reproduce the state in which the model is set up. The trombone comes with a regular model, a case model, and a model with various extraction tubes in separate mesh. UnityPackage with gimmick, fbx, clip data and psd data of textures for modification are included. Shaders are based on arktoon/fade shaders. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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