WEGO’s original style clothes are now on sale. You can choose any tops, bottoms, and shoes for your style. This item making you sharp can be used for a date with your important person! Three different colors are included. **Feature - Humanoid Rig Setting (compatible with full-body tracking) - Number of polygon : 6644 - Number of mesh : 1 - Number of material : 2 (body and clothes) - UnlitShader and UnityChanToonShader are available for the material - Three textures. psd file for modification is also included. **Content Details - OpenCollarSetupt.unitypackage Package already set up for body and clothes - README.txt The manual of this product. It describes how to set up this item. Please read it before you use this product. - LICENSE.txt License is written later. Please refer to the different sections. - OpenCollarSetup folder Fbx model data and texture data including psd for modification is included. [About WEGO virtual shop] It is a virtual shop where you can go shopping in VR space. Do you want to wear cute items? Do you want to be fashionable in the VR space? Do you want to have an unique design? WEGO is here for you. To make that dream come true, WEGO newly designed 3D models of clothes and shoes exclusively for Virtual Market 4! © WEGO CO.LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・Personal Commercial Use ・Corporate Commercial Use ・Distribution of Derivative Works ・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. https://uv-license.com/en/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93&pcu=true&ccu=true&ddw=true&seu=true