This hat is a collaboration product with 1yensmith / 1yen man's arms shop. [ ] A Night vision Helmet for VRChat avatar decoration. Of course, it can also be used for other applications than VRC. You don't need to contact him for commercial use, but he'll be glad you do! The polygon count is 3016. ◆Contents◆ ・Nightvision_Helmet.unitypackage ・Nightvision_TX01.png ・Nightvision_TX02.png ・Nightvision_nomal.png ・Nightvision_Helmet.psd ・Nightvision_Helmet.fbx ◆How to use◆ This model uses Arktoon-Shaders and is bundled with unitypackage. You can import [Nightvision_Helmet.unitypackage] into any unity project as it is. After that, drag and drop the Prefab Asset in the [Nightvision_Helmet] file in the project tab and the Asset folder to the Hierarchy tab. Arktoon-Shaders[ ] If you have any problems or questions, please contact me below. [Twitter]
【Terms of Use】 This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・Personal Commercial Use ・Corporate Commercial Use ・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use ・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. Enactment date: April 25, 2020