VR用の水面シェーダーです。波とリフレクションにより、幻想的な水感を表現します。負荷調節のために屈折/非屈折、どちらにも対応しています。 (申し訳ありませんが、この説明は現在英語のみです) To install, place the Shader/ folder with the shader into your Assets/ directory. Usage Clear Water 2 comes with 2 main variants. * Normal: Renders a simple semitransparent water surface. * Refractive: Renders a refractive water surface using a Grab Pass. Refraction has a bigger performance impact. * Opaque: Renders a solid water surface. The cheapest, and best suited to deep oceans. By adjusting the surface colour, fog, wave, and smoothness parameters, you can get different looking water. Clear Water can use the depth buffer for depth effects. If you do not use the depth buffer in your scene, please enable Ignore Depth Buffer. Otherwise, you'll need a directional light or other depth buffer activator (like disabled depth of field) to see the effect properly. License You can access the development repository of the shader at https://gitlab.com/s-ilent/clear-water This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ For support or feedback, you can join the Discord. https://discord.gg/uHJx4g629K