Original 3D Model 『Rabbit』 Original 3D Model △6532 polygons shader VRM/MToon 60cm joy, angry, sorrow Performance Rank Good FaceMood、Emote ***************** Ⓐ VRChat * Mtoon Avatar for VRChat * usagi_a.unitypackage * FBX Phys Bone shader VRM/MToon Download VRChat Creator Companion(VCC) UniVRM https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/releases ***************** Ⓑ VRChat * lilToon Avatar for VRChat * usagi_b.unitypackage * FBX Phys Bone使用 shader VRM/MToon * lilToon Download VRChat Creator Companion(VCC) UniVRM https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/releases lilToon https://github.com/lilxyzw/lilToon/releases (If lilToon could not be displayed well, after importing the avatar, Import lilToon again.) ***************** Ⓒ cluster * VRM Avatar for cluster * 『vrm0』new_usagi.vrm * 『vrm1』usagi_vrm1.vrm(updated version) * FBX Spring Bone shader VRM/MToon (You can upload the vrm to the cluster as it is and use it.) The cluster's avatar drawing method has been updated to VRM1. As of September R6, both VRM0 and VRM1 can be used.
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